At AGS Inc., we are proud to offer top-of-the-line rental EOS Arrow GNSS units that are perfect for a variety of applications. Our inventory is always up-to-date with the newest technologies, ensuring that our customers have access to the latest and most innovative equipment available. We take pride in the quality of our gear and our commitment to providing exceptional customer service. When you choose AGS Inc. for your rental needs, you can trust that you are getting the best possible equipment and support for your project.
Arrow Gold+® (PLUS)
All Constellations, All Frequencies
8mm RTK Accuracy
Daily, Weekly, Monthly Rates Available
Arrow 100+™
Four Constellation
30-50cm Accuracy; 1cm with RTK
Daily, Weekly, Monthly Rates Available
Key Features:
- Real-Time Accuracy of up to 1cm & 8mm (w/ Arrow Gold+)
- Sub-foot Accuracy Option
- Multi-Constellation Support
- High-Precision Positioning
- Superior Signal Reception
- Rental Kits Available Now - Contact Us for A Quote!