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The Marksman XY-001

The Marksman® is a patented targeting system designed for the Land, Civil, Engineering and Construction Surveyor which allows a prism, gps receiver or backsight to be accurately measured.

Whether it be for Monitoring, Measuring or Staking-out:  The Marksman®

· Uses a lower target height which increases the accuracy of a measurement.

· Eliminates error associated with prism movement while trying to balance pole during measurement.

· Addresses the difficulties of staking-out with a pole/bipod.

· Removes the challenge of trying to simultaneously balance a prism pole and read a data collector.

· Provides a quick and effective method of accurately marking a point on any surface with a highly visible bright Green Laser.

Basic Rod Point Unit for existing point measurement and backsighting.

Prism and rod extension – not included.

*Image courtesy of The Marksman

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