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Used Trimble™ R7 GNSS System

No two surveying jobs are the same, and surveyors have to be equipped with the necessary tools to take on whatever job comes their way. These jobs could range from topographical to land administration, to seismic activity. Surveyors have to be prepared for it all, and the Trimble™ R7 GNSS GPS system is just the piece of equipment you need for any job. Its rugged exterior is perfect for any environment or surveying mission you can imagine.

  • Signal Variety
    The Trimble R7 GNSS GPS system is an exceptional unit. The Trimble™ R7 is able to support L2C, L5, and GLONASS signals.
  • Precision through GLONASS
    By using GLONASS, the R7  is able to improve the GPS signal. This improves field productivity tremendously, with the resulting RTK being enhanced significantly. There are also 3 levels of OmniSTAR positioning available through Trimble’s™ R-Track technology as well – OmniSTAR HP, XP, and VBS.
  • R7 Functionality
    It is able to be used not only as a high-accuracy GPS receiver but as a UHF radio as well. Being able to use the R7 on the pole or as the base station speaks to its versatility.
  • 2 Antenna Available
    The Zephyr-2 GNSS antenna is for rover capabilities and the Zephyr Geodetic 2 is for base operations.
  • Zephyr-2 GNSS
    The Zephyr 2 rover antenna is highly versatile, as it can be carried on the pole, in your backpack, or even in your vehicle as you drive.
  • Zephyr Geodetic 2
    The Geodetic 2 is able to minimize signal multipath at the base station, making your job that much simpler to complete.

Work How You Need to Work

The new Trimble™ R7 GNSS GPS systems are designed to go with you wherever you need them to go. Having a rugged piece of equipment that has various levels of functionality can make your job that much easier – no matter the terrain you’ve been sent to survey.

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